Brazil fails at the 2018 World Cup: Neymar has no desire after the World Cup – 2018 after Aus


Brazilian superstar Neymar qualifies the quarter-finals of the FIFA World Cup as "the saddest moment of my career". The pain is very great, writes the 26-year-old after the 1-2 defeat of Belgium on Instagram.

"We knew we had the skills to go further in writing history, but this should not be this time around." It was difficult for him to "find the strength to want to play football again".

But he was sure God would give him enough strength, Neymar explained. "They broke our dream, but they did not take it off our heads and hearts."

After the defeat against the Belgians, the Seleção returned to Brazil on Saturday.

Neymar was again in the quarterfinals with a negative performer performance. The Brazilian had tried to kill a penalty with a clear swallow.

Video: Brazil fails in Belgium: coach Tites reaction after the match bears witness to the size

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