Bundesliga: Austrian President Hensel has many ideas in mind


"It's a mown pre that has been given to me.I am proud to be able to continue in this way," said Hensel during his first appearance at the head of Austria. "I'm going to try to contribute a little bit with my economics skills, I still see a lot of potential for our development, and I'm going to fix that with all my strength," said the former CEO of REWE International.

At the General Assembly, an intermediate economic and sports balance was established. With a turnover of 36.1 million euros, an annual profit of 661,000 euros was achieved at Group level for the 2017/18 financial year. 2018/19, a balanced result is sought. Sportsman, of course, the subject of the season was unsatisfactory. The 2: 3 against the WAC the day before, coach Thomas Letsch is controversial with many fans.

"The fans are really angry"

Hensel did not want to discuss the coach tonight. "I think the fans are really angry, Sunday's performance was shameful, everyone knows it," said the 60-year-old. However, there is no reason to have a coaching discussion solely on this game. We have made a fresh start. Whether it is a process, should be clear to all. You should give officials a chance to grow and learn from mistakes, "said Hensel.There is a chance to do better on Sunday during the home game against Salzburg.

Wolfgang Katzian, former president of FK Austria Wien and Frank Hensel

APA / Hans Punz

The old and the new Austrian president

His predecessor Wolfgang Katzian saw Hensel as the ideal man to take a step forward. "Sportsman, there is room for improvement, it is clear.It is he who gives the gas.Everyone will feel it," said the head of the ÖGB. The club's long-time president (2007 to 2018) retired prematurely from his position for professional reasons. He remains Austria, but as a member of the board of directors.

"Women become an important subject"

Apparently, the new president who wants female fans to be in the stadium seems to be a particular concern. "Women will be an important topic." Austria differs considerably from the others in that it focuses on women's football, which I think is very important for bringing this target group into the stadium as well. " stressed Hensel. Anyway, you want to fill the Generali Arena "reopened" at some point. It's a vision that someone is here to get a ticket. "

Hensel grew up in the GDR and then headed west. He moved to Austria in 2005. He is now the first President of Austria, originally from Germany. Hensel no longer sees himself as German. "It's (Austria) plus my adoption home, it's my home, I've done a lot for the country and the people, it's always pushed me to do it." is "maybe more Austrian than a lot of Austrians." At least that's what my colleagues have always said. "

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