BVB publishes Schürrle – Zorc: "openly discussed the situation with him"


Posted by Rottenmeier
If you look at Schürrle's entire career, he has been very successful and sought after for a long time. In Chelsea, he then went to Wolfsburg, then to BVB. It's basically a biography very similar to Götze's – having failed that nimbus, that you can not go down, sitting in the skin like a tattoo.

While the BVB now has an international reputation, an excellent springboard to be the best clubs (Barca, Arsenal Munich) and young talents, I think, so happy to come to BVB – BVB apparently no happy hand to bounce the fallen stars again. Dasas has not worked so well until now. Overall, the return to BL Schürrle did not help much.

I can not say if Crystal Palace is the right address – it can be more a question of distance and picking ability than ambience. And in principle, it is right to seek an badociation until you have created enough space between you and the past to make a fresh start. I think Schürrle is still young enough to explode once again.

In a certain way, the BVB seems to be a favorable terrain for newcomers, but unfavorable for veterans.

I had to watch now the last transfer With a seasoned player on the stage where you can say that he has gefunzt.
You could mention Castro, I have not seen as weak as many. He knew from the beginning that he was a disciple instead of a leader.
But even if you omit it, honestly, I do not see it at first.
So I have to give you the right thing.

In Schürrle:
Many prophesy that this is nothing with us. It's a shame, I think.
I see in him some qualities that would do us good. But unfortunately, I have lost faith since.

If it works with a transfer, be it barter or sole selling, I can only say:
All good Schü, pity that it did not work for the future anyway the best
Only against us not  Winking

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