Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood as a game pack


Castlevania Symphony of the Night and Rondo of Blood as a game pack

with The Castlevania Requiem presents the clbadic Symphony of the Night and Rondo of blood now available exclusively in the Playstation Store as a package to buy! New features are also included.

The popular retro title Castlevania: Symphony of the night and Rondo of blood appear in a new splendor on the PS4. Superior 4K / 1080p resolution, various rendering options, trophies and other improvements await you!

in Rondo of blood you fight through 9 stages, hidden levels and alternative ways. Finally, captured captives villagers! The vampire hunters Richter Belmont and Maria Renard, masters of the four animal spirits, will be played. Together, they want to kill Dracula once and for all.

Family quarrels are at their peak Symphony of the night. Alucard, the son of Dracula himself, must make his way through the labyrinthine castle to prevent his father from being reborn. The RPG elements, the platform and the exploration were the first CastlevaniaUnited style.

Nostalgia with new towers

Voice output is an added bonus for Japanese dubbing buddies. They are available in English and Japanese for Symphony of the nightSubtitles are available as usual in almost all European languages.

With the release, the original series of Netflix "Castlevania" pbades to the next round. The second season concludes the events surrounding Dracula's vendetta against the Wallachian people (for the moment) …

The game package Requiem of Castlevania is there for $ 19.99 in the Playstation Store.

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