Cathy Lugner sick – mortar: "Your illness is only a gag" – people


Less than a week ago, Cathy Lugner (28) announced in a dramatic publication on Instagram her public withdrawal in the near future. The reason: she was sick. Why exactly she does not feel good, however, the model remained open. Since then, fans are very worried and send tons of wishes for recovery.

Not so Richard "Mortier" Lugner (89), the ex-husband of Cathy. Austrian Baulöwe does not believe in an illness. He thinks his illness is "a gag".

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Photo: Martin Strauss /

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So know and love Cathy Lugner fans. She is now withdrawing due to illnessPhoto: Martin Strauss /

Six days ago, Cathy wrote on Instagram: "Unfortunately, I have been facing unsightly results for quite some time and today, I have again undergone a test with knock-down results . "

Lugner mortar but believes his ex is fine. In front of "oe24", said the 89-year-old player on Tuesday: "Cathy's illness is just a gag and her brother works in my office and did not say a word," he said. is funny. "

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Photo: German selection / Getty Images

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There, Cathy was still blonde and a little in love with the mortar – the former couple in January 2016Photo: German selection / Getty Images

Compared to BILD, Lugner continues, "I do not know, we were on the phone recently, we saw each other in August."

Rather, he could imagine that Cathy wanted to draw attention to himself. Lugner: "She almost disappeared into the sinking and I think she may have spent some money."

In any case, Richard Lugner does not remember a more serious illness during his marriage. "She's never been sick, she's 28. Why should she suddenly be seriously ill?"

If anyone knows, then Cathy …

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