Cesar Sampson rocks the SCS near Vienna – national music


23.07.2018 11:29

(Law 23.07.2018 11:29)

  Cesar Sampson joins the SCS in September. "Title =" Cesar Sampson joins SCS in September. "/>
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Cesar Sampson joins the SCS in September
© ORF / Thomas Ramm

The musician and participant in the Cesár Sampson Song Contest will perform on Friday, September 8, 2018 in the Shopping City Süd near Vienna.

Unravel the third place of the Eurovision Song Contest: Cesár Sampson; The Austrian musician will be invited to SCS on September 7th as part of the VIP Shopping Weekend and will present his best songs at the Water Plaza from 5pm. His best known hit, "Nobody but You", with which he reached the 3rd place of the final of the Eurovision Song Contest in 2018, can not miss. After the show, fans and visitors will be happy to receive autographs and selfies with the friendly artist

Cesár Sampson: Austrian shooting star experience

Cesár Sampson represented the Austria on May 12, 2018 at the "Euro Vision Song Contest" in Lisbon and made the 3rd place. The 1983 born Linz artist, composer and producer has long been not an unknown size in the domestic musical landscape. From the age of 17, he began traveling around the world with the name of the Viennese alternative scene (Kruder & Dorfmeister, Sofa Surfers, Louie Austen), after which he mostly moved behind the scenes of the music. Productions of different musical genres.

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