Chrissy Teigen has had enough of all his critics – stars


The mother of two has been criticized many times by her online supporters: Sometimes a statement is too harsh, sometimes many people think the outfit is inappropriate. Also, the way the model holds his children in their arms, their fans have something to complain about.

On the other hand, Chrissy is now defending himself with a snapshot. In the photo she can be seen with her two children Luna (2) and Miles (six weeks). Subtitled The Star 'Sports Illustrated & # 39; in the picture with the words: " Should I take one on which his head is not held, but my face looks good and Luna is tired, or should I take that, on which his head is supported, but my face looks just right and Luna does not feel like it, or the one he's crying, my face looks ok and Luna does not feel like it "[19659003] Obviously, the 32-today's enough of their critics behind the screen – after all, being mother is so difficult. In the past, Chrissy has already spoken openly about the harshness of postpartum women.

In the American "Today Show" she said at the time: "I I do not really talk about bad mood, no matter whether it's about postpartum depression or just days like mine in which I did not know how to handle work, how to do all this and still have time for my husband and it was really hard for me "

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