Christmas Heart Action: Fight Cancer


The diagnosis of cancer plunges many people into a major crisis. If the patient is still a child, he often pulls the floor from his parents' feet. Often the question arises as to how this can happen because risk factors such as an unhealthy diet, UV radiation or smoking play no role. But whether it's children or adults, cancer is a very individual disease that leaves many doctors in a loss. The disease does not fit into any pattern, the cancer is as individual as any affected patient.

Facts and figures
Statistically, cancer is a disease of old age, that is, the older a person, the higher the risk of developing cancer. The reason is understandable: for many years, human genes have been exposed to a number of harmful environmental factors. UV rays, consumption of tobacco and alcohol and a variety of harmful dietary ingredients accumulate and increase the risk of cellular degeneration. All of this plays a minor role in children, but cancer in children is the second leading cause of death. Each year about 300 Austrian children suffer from this insidious disease. Thanks to advances in medicine, however, 8 out of 10 can be cured today. But the path is always exhausting and painful.

Charity event

For the sixth consecutive year, MADONNA cooperates with the Austrian Association for the fight against childhood cancer as part of the "Aktion Weihnachtsherz" campaign. The purpose of media action is to raise awareness of the plight of young victims and their families and to support them in the fight against the disease. Over the last year, thanks to countless reader donations and the important donation of the Glock family, more than 140,000 euros have been raised. There was an urgent need for money for the psychological care of parents and those affected, as well as for the financial support of each family.

Your donation can make life easier with cancer for affected children and their families. Because in most cases, families depend on external financial support. That's why we ask you, on behalf of all children, to donate for the Christmas Heart campaign.


It happens with your donation
– Financial support for needy families
– financing of the external oncology care service
– Support for psychosocial monitoring
– Financing additional therapies

They also donate to cancer patients in Austria

IBAN: AT17 6000 0000 9090 0000


Account number: 000 9090 0000

Bank number: 60000

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