Citroën Berlingo, Opel Combo, Peugeot Rifter – Three new space giants – Auto-News


Come in, take a seat – and be amazed!

Where does this huge space come from? Already the former Citroën Berlingo was literally a volume model; the new one has grown there. Thus, a volume model comes in three: Citroën, Opel and Peugeot together develop their new generation of vans

First impression

Finally: Many colors and extras bring more freshness to family cars become more spacious. But the old rear axle roars like a van

And we wonder: is this still a van? The windshield is now farther, the nose of the vehicle disappears into the void. And inside, there are as many shelves and compartments as in the playroom of a nursery.

Forget the ugly word "Kasten", because the triplet of Berlingo, Rifter and Combo has matured: to Van!

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Photo: manufacturer

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Sliding doors are bigger than before in the new three-wheel kit of Citroën, Opel and Peugeot Photo: Manufacturer

In September, the trio arrives at dealerships identifiable by the upper nose. details, however, the three brothers and sisters differ significantly from each other – this is due to the respective brand design.

► Thus, Berlin go carries the two-story headlights of the upcoming Vans C4 SpaceTourer (formerly C4 Picbado) which also covers the entire front

Now the driver is even more moved and on wide flat seats, which chase all the dynamic ripples. Always nice and comfortable

The movement only occurs when the arm extended must reach the front shifter or the touch screen.

Peugeot Rifter and Citroen Berlingo

Engine : Four-cylinder, turbo, front cross

Displacement : 1499 cm 3

Power : 96 kW (130 hp) at 3750 / min

max. Couple : 300 Nm at 1750 rpm

Workout : Front-wheel drive / automatic eight-speed

Net weight : 1518 kg

0-100 km / h : 10.4 s [19659006] Peak : 180 km / h

Consumption : 4.3 l

Exhaust : CO 2 114 g / km [19659023] Sliding doors have pushed [Peuimportecen] ispbadurPSPurchaseWhile the newwagon: the practical sliding doors (a blessing for the small -estquifontrage) havegrand; insteadofplfoldthewindowsilyadesE-conventional windows

The trunk has been increased to 100 liters, 775 liters minimum put each combination in the bag . And when the pbadenger seat in the upper gear folds toward the front, 2.70 meters long surfboards fit into the car.

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It remains with three equally large individual seats behind, each of which can accommodate a child seat – Of course, the records can be repositioned to create a huge safe Photo: Manufacturer

Rifter with plastic planking

It remains with three equal rear seats, the tailgate with separate opening and on request the most b-roof head rillante of the automotive world: In the "Modutop" (900 euros Berlingo "Feel") large skylights directly next to the storage compartments, so deep Lakritzberg can faint.

► Let's move quickly to Peugeot's brother model, the Rifter. The plastic decking badigns him the role of adventurer in the trio.

The desire from the outside, which leads customers in the SUV segment, the French apparently – despite its sliding doors – at least visually badfed. Without drifting in a sleeveless shirt, with regard to the interior.

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Photo: manufacturer

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The windshield is flatter and further away, the badpit of Berlingo has three glove compartments

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Photo: Manufacturer

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Sliding doors are now standard on electric windows

Photos: Manufacturer

Tiny steering wheel

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