Citroën brings glasses for motion sickness «


These glbades help against motion sickness © CITROEN

The long-awaited summer vacation is imminent – and therefore often the long trip to the station. Many children and adults spend their time using their smartphone or tablet on the go. The problem here is that more than 30 million people in Europe chronically suffer from motion sickness (kinetosis), and that one-third of people experience unpleasant symptoms at least once in their life.

Citroën took these challenges into account to eliminate motion sickness, creating with a colored liquid an artificial horizon in front of the eyes and on the sides, in order to dissolve the conflict of sensory organs in the perception that causes the symptoms.

The glbades called "Seetroën" "S" based on the technology "boarding ring" developed by the eponymous start-up of the Var, in the south of France.The success rate of this patented medical device is 95%

After discovering a solution originally developed to fight against seasickness, Citroën decided to extend the product to anyone suffering from motion sickness. boats as well as in cars, buses and planes

  • Put the glbades on as soon as the first symptoms appear.
  • After ten to twelve minutes, thanks to the glbades, the brain is able to control the movements, synchronize the inner ear and synchronize the perception of the eyes aimed at a stationary object such as a smartphone or a book.
  • Then remove the glbades and enjoy the subsequent trip.

The glbades can be worn by adults and children over ten years old are used because from this age, the inner ear is completely trained. The glbades do not have conventional glbades and can therefore be used by all family members or traveling companions and be worn over a different pair of glbades. "Seetroën" is available at the Lifestyle online store by Citroën at for the price of 99 Euro.

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