Coach Thomas Letsch is waiting for titles for Austria


Thomas Letsch is not yet completely satisfied with the development of Wiener Austria, but sees the violets on the right track.

After the upheaval of summer, construction work remains to be done, but the German sets ambitious goals for the coming years.

In an interview granted to our partner portal "", Letsch surprised by the requirement of a clear headline: "If we find ourselves here in three years, the team will certainly have changed. We'll certainly talk about at least one title. "" I'd be happy if we ended up here in three years, but the most important thing is that we can go back to one track or another, because that's what it's all about. that lies Austria. "

Letsch: "I want to be second"

This does not mean that this season must necessarily be a title. However, the Viennese have the opportunity both in the League and the ÖFB Cup.

Where does Letsch see the Austrian end in Austria? "But it 's no secret that the minimum goal is to be international next year, just like the constellation, you are definitely international when you are one of the top three, so we have to do it. "

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A cautious approach, but the Austrian chief adviser goes even further in the details and confirms in the fight for an international starting position: "Except Salzburg, I do not see a club, where we have to accept that it is clearly better, but I can really say: The goal of becoming a finalist can not really be given, you must want to be first, but you have to – be careful not to accept the strength of Salzburg – and then we want to participate. "

"Do not play football I imagine"

But there must be an increase in performance on all lines. The writing of the coach should be more and more recognizable. How far does Austria play differently today than at the first appearance of Letsch?

"I do not want to evaluate what my predecessor did, for me it was intensity, sprinting and against the ball." One highlight was the match against Sturm Graz, but it was also clear that it needed even more facets. unlike Thorsten Fink, we have different points of view, but we are still far from the football I want to play in the Derby that we have shown in most of them, including at Hartberg, where we have consistently dominated and Where everything is Good, but always in the first place, we must get to the point where 80% of us want to know how we want to play. "

Text source: ©

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