Command back: Renewed tour in the Froome case


Order returned: Renewal renewed in the Froome case

PARIS. The UCI has now stopped doping procedures against the British, which is why it can start at the Tour de France.

The 33-year-old man is back in business. Image: APA / AFP / LIONEL BONAVENTURE

The theater around cycling superstar Chris Froome entered the next round yesterday. A day after it was announced that the organizers of the Tour de France wanted to give him a departure ban, there was now another surprising ride. The World Association (UCI) has released the British driver from suspicion of doping. A beginning Froomes at the start of Saturday France bike tour is suddenly no way.

Withdrawal: For more than nine months, the trial of increasing the rate of salbutamol, composed of asthma, measured at Froome in September 2017, has continued . 24 hours after the organizer of the tour, ASO, was faced with a legally risky legal launch ban against the British, the Federation's decision having been overturned for a long time, the verdict of the United States was over. UCI suddenly fell. Together with reputable lawyers, who would have collected millions of euros for their work, Froome was able to clearly demonstrate that there was no intention of tampering with the increase in salbutamol dosage . In similar cases, however, Italian professionals Alessandro Petacchi and Diego Ulissi have been banned by the UCI in recent years.

Free Ride: Today, in front of the French Sporting Court, the license of 33 years would be finished The tour was negotiated. This is now obsolete. The organizer of the ASO Tour gave the green light to the British after the verdict of the UCI yesterday

Danger: "The decision draws a line, which means that we all continue to focus on the Tour de France, "said Froome, 33, who also won the Giro d'Italia in May for the first time and who now wants to start his fifth tour win. Until now, only Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault, Jacques Anquetil and Miguel Indurain have succeeded.

But he knows that the next three weeks will not be a honeymoon, not just because of the mountainous road. Captain Sky wants to be protected in France by a bodyguard. And even in the pack, discontent over the events of the past few months is growing. "I do not understand how Froome can prepare and train, his name is in the newspaper every day, I wonder how he does it, how he stays calm and says: I win the Tour de France", says the former German professional Jens Voigt.

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