Common antibiotic massively damages genetic material – health


Ciprofloxacin from the fluoroquinolone group (formerly a gyrase inhibitor) is one of the most commonly used broad-spectrum antibiotics. This is the first choice because it acts against a broad spectrum of bacteria and therefore makes the success of therapy likely.


Have you also suffered from serious side effects related to medications?

Ciprofloxacin & Co.

The antibiotic is, as well as other fluoroquinolone-based drugs, known for its broad spectrum of action, but also for its numerous and important side effects, including:

– Tendinitis and tears

– Joint, muscle and skin pains

– symptoms of deafness

– cardiac arrhythmias

– liver damage

– hallucinations

– confusion

– anxiety disorders

– epileptic seizures

– severe diarrhea

– depression

– suicidal thoughts

Therefore, they should really be used as a reserve only if other antibiotics fail. However, they are often prescribed, for example, for urinary tract infections, which could also be treated with other remedies. And how many patients complain without informing patients of possible side effects.

The problem: ciprofloxacin, like other antibiotics in the group, can cause serious, sometimes irreparable, side effects. (see box)as shown for example by the Swiss M. H. H. *, who has to deal with serious health problems after taking the preparation.

The unwanted side effects are sometimes so severe that the US FDA 2016 issued a warning. Thus, taking fluoroquinolones antibiotics can have undesirable effects "leading to disability and potentially permanent".

"Dramatic effect" on genetic material

Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland have developed a first index on the potential effects of these side effects. Ciprofloxacin damages the mitochondria DNA (mtDNA), the central human cells, as reported in the journal "Nucleic Acids Research".

When the team around Anu Hangas treated mtDNA with a broad-spectrum antibiotic in the lab, she observed a "dramatic effect." This led the mitochondria to lose their energy production, said the university. From the point of view of the researchers, this could explain the side effects.

New directions on the way

In addition to Finnish researchers, the Committee of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which badesses the safety of medicines for human use (PRAC), also deals with antibiotics in the fluoroquinolone group.

The responsible people recommend that fluoroquinolone antibiotics be no longer used to treat mild to moderate infections for which other antibiotics are available. In addition, it should be prohibited to prescribe such preparations for the prevention of traveler's diarrhea or urinary tract infections.

The recommendations of the EMA Committee are now before the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use of the European Medicines Agency, which must adopt the final opinion.

Touches are disappointed

Even though the PRAC recommendations now available indicate that the group of antibiotics is not safe, they represent "a great disappointment from the point of view of many affected people," as KP *, who is suffering, says. side effects and a group of Swiss patients on Facebook pbades. The advice goes too far for him.

"One of our main concerns was to limit the use of fluoroquinolones to serious and potentially fatal infections," continues P. "From the point of view of those concerned, they should only be used as secondary antibiotics. " So, only if no more primary antibiotic helps. The lack of reference to the possibility of restrictive and long-lasting side effects is also lacking.

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