Complacency threatens the success of anti-AIDS measures "


Effective antiretroviral therapy has helped reduce HIV / AIDS worldwide over the past two decades. But there is a danger that the goal of overcoming the immunodeficiency pandemic by 2030 will not be achieved. Further efforts are needed, warns 40 experts in the run-up to the International AIDS Conference (July 23-27) in Amsterdam

01.00, July 20, 2018


By 2020, 90% of people affected by HIV will be aware of their infection, 90% of them will receive treatment and 90% of those of the blood suppressing the multiplication of the virus can no longer be detected. This is the goal of UNAIDS in the context of the pandemic program "90-90-90". But experts led by the International AIDS Society have written in the British medical journal The Lancet: "The HIV pandemic is not expected to end until 2030. Current strategies, the spread of HIV among Getting control is not enough (…). "

HIV / AIDS continues to be an epidemic with 38.5 million people infected (2015/2016) worldwide. In 2015 alone, two million new diagnoses were made. The following year, about one million people still died of AIDS. Since the beginning of the epidemic in the 1980s, about 35 million victims have been registered.

According to experts, the situation has changed so much that the AIDS strategy must be adapted. "Worldwide, 44% of HIV infections are attributable to socially marginalized groups (gay and bibadual men, injecting drug users, bad workers, transgender and badual partners of these groups)." in a broadcast of the "Lancet". In addition, health systems in many countries are not designed to take care of young people. In southern Africa, for example, women aged 15 to 24 have the highest risk of HIV infection. "Although the number of new infections is declining, it is far too slow to reach the UNAIDS target of 500,000 new infections in 2020. Between 2010 and 2017, the number of new infections has decreased. infections have increased by 16% to 1.8 million a year, but have remained significantly higher in young women than in young men, "noted the experts.This could easily lead to an increase in the transmission of HIV / AIDS syndrome. 39. Immunodeficiency.Instead of increasing, the funds raised remained the same at an annual rate of about 19.1 billion US dollars (16.30 billion euros) in recent years. That would represent about seven billion dollars (5.97 billion euros) per year.The number of about 21 million patients currently receiving the necessary drugs must continue to increase (compared with about 680,000 worldwide in 2000) [19659009] According to experts, different strategies to combat HIV / AIDS will probably have to be implemented in the future to be. For example, in a country like Kenya with 1.6 million people living with HIV each year, ten percent of the population would be tested for HIV, hypertension and diabetes in a combined program, and the HIV treatment rate would be reduced to 78 percent increase, 216,000 new infections and 244,000 deaths from AIDS were averted. For example, in a country like Russia, the HIV / AIDS epidemic among drug users using intravenous drugs could be halved by providing antiretroviral drugs and needle exchange programs. . At the top of everything must be everywhere where HIV / AIDS measures are directly integrated and scaled up throughout the health system of a country.

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