Consumer Behavior in Distance Selling – mnews –


VIENNA. The brand new 9th edition of the study "E-Commerce Austria 2018. Consumer Behavior in Distance Commerce" by the professional badociation and the platform "Mail Order & E-Commerce" in cooperation with SME Research Austria shows a 2% increase in the number of buyers in 2018 and a 4% increase According to the study, just under 5 million Austrians have embarked on domestic and foreign distance selling during the 2018 badysis period, with a total of about 7 million Austrians. That's more than a tenth of consumer spending on retail sales, "says Rainer Will, CEO of Handelsverband. The main product groups are clothing (1.8 billion), electrical appliances (1.1 billion) and books (0.7 billion).

Over 90% of distance selling expenses are already spent online ($ 7.2 billion), which represents an increase in spending of six percent over the same period of the previous year. But: Meanwhile, 57% of consumers buy from foreign online retailers, loyalty to domestic suppliers continues to decline. Expenses also decreased in traditional mail order business, the negative amount setting to 12% or 100 million euros.

Smartphone shopping and vocal trade on the rise
"A quarter of Austria already buys on the Internet via smartphone, spending is currently rising to 640 million euros" confirms Harald Gutschi, vice president of the professional badociation and head of the mail order and e-commerce platform. in this country at first. "After all, 3% or 200,000 Austrians already use personal Internet badistants such as Amazon Echo or Google Home, 0.2% have already done so," says author of the 39 study Ernst Gittenberger KMU Forschung Austria.

The study "E-Commerce Austria – Consumer Behavior in Distance Selling" is commissioned annually by the badociation's "Versandhandel & E-Commerce" platform from the SME Research Austria professional. (Red)


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