crisis of relations? Justin removes Hailey's star video


"I want to be there for you the rest of my life and take care of you, I'm just yours" Justin Bieber wrote a few days ago a joint photo showing him with his fiancee Hailey Baldwin. The two have only been together for a month

Justin Bieber desperate

Yet the musician does not seem happy. The latest paparazzi photos available in The Sun show Justin Bieber completely disintegrated. He is sitting on the wall and talking on the phone. Nobody knows what the conversation is about.

Bieber publishes Hailey video and diffuses it

Justin Bieber shared a video of Hailey a few hours earlier. But he deleted that again. The clip showed the model singing a song at the age of 16. She did not seem to care that she did not hear all the sounds at that time.

"May I present: My fiance at the age of 16. She hates that I posted it here – so I will delete it right away" Justin wrote to the video. Did it cause a fight? Surely Hailey was not happy with this video …

According to recent reports, Hailey and Justin would have agreed again.

Justin Bieber

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