Croatia in the World Cup final: fans celebrated peacefully


After Croatia's victory at the World Cup on Wednesday night, Croatian riots by Croatian fans failed to materialize. Previously, one of the largest public hearings in the city had been canceled.

Croatian fans celebrated their team's win against England in overtime with car ropes and horn concerts in the center of Salzburg. The Rudolfskai has been temporarily blocked. It was peacefully celebrated – some until late at night.

Public viewing in Salzburg's largest beer bar had already been canceled. Scene-oriented police officers advised – more in: Augustiner Bräustübl canceled the public posting (, 11.7.2018)

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Fan Duje Caleta's car was also public While looking in the city of Salzburg – he was speechless about his team's victory: "I do not know what to say, that's it. is only incredible – it only happens once in a lifetime – and we want to make our people even happier in Croatia. "The last match of the 2018 FIFA World Cup against Croatia will take place on Sunday at 17:00.

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