"Das Supertalent" today, 27.10.2018: Snake Attack! This candidate likes to feed Bruce Darnell


Sethward Allison tries his luck like a snake with "Das Supertalent".
Image: MG RTL D / Stefan Gregorowius

"The super talent"2018 is now starting its sixth show on Saturday, October 27, 1818 – and this time too, some extraordinary candidates are coming in. The jury of the" Supertalent ", composed of Dieter Bohlen. Bruce Darnell and Sylvie MeisTo impress, the candidates offer a tip – as in Show 6 on October 27th.

"Das Supertalent" on 27.10.2018 on RTL: Sethward Allison of the United States appears in the form of a snake

Sethward Allison, 29, and born in Texas, is one of many contenders for Supertalent. The American comes from a large family and now resides in California, where the 29-year-old lives with his girlfriend Lori Lusk. His partner also supports Sethward Allison as an badistant, as the 29-year-old "Supertalent" participant finally wants to become a comedian. But the joke just joked for the YouTube star, who could already publish 20 million views on the video platform, not in the bag!

Supertalent candidate Sethward Allison as "Sethward the Serpent" in attack mode

Sethward Allison, who has a BA in media production, is famous for his eccentric performances – spiritual costumes should not be missed. For "The Supertalent", Sethward Allison also belongs to "Sethward the Snake", so "Sethward, the snake" – but the disguise is really dangerous for a star of the jury of "Supertalent".

Bruce Darnell as a main dish! The candidate "Supertalent" wants to devour a juror

Snake-Sethward has chosen a prey that he can eat with the skin and hair, which is particularly appealing to the American jury. Bruce DarnellWithout further ado, the jury member sits on Sethby's menu – see if the "superstar" juror of his attacker can resist and Sethward Allison will come with his appearance in the next round of "Das Supertalent", do you see Saturday night? at 20:15 to "at RTL,

PHOTOS: "Das Supertalent" 2018 C & # 39; were the previous winners "Supertalent"

To read also: Dieter Bohlen and Sylvie Meis at "Das Supertalent"

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