Death Mark is digitally available in Europe on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita


If Aksys Games has long been committed to improving the marketing of its games in Europe, it is with the visual nov Death Mark went bad again. First, the physical versions of the game are distributed only in North America, then the video game appears quite secretly, without big announcement, in Europe. Since October 31, Death Mark is available in digital in Europe.

The versions for Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4 cost 49.99 euros each. For the PlayStation Vita version, you pay 39.99 euros, but in this version, the extra chapter "Red Riding Hood" is not included. The purchase of this episode costs 9.99 euros.

The sign of death

An abandoned school is located in H City. It's late at night The interior of the building has been turned into a place run by beasts. A strange being wearing a uniform wanders through the corridors in which the flowers bloom.

In a forest where nobody can enter at night, there are corpses reminiscent of beehives. If you venture into this region, you follow a path that is shrouded in darkness. Here, you feel the presence of a mysterious being. The protagonist is a middle-aged man who has lost his memory. Now, in this place, he will understand why he is wearing the "sign" …

Get rid of the curse

The mysterious "sign" indicates a countdown to imminent death, in exchange for memories. With the scarred people who share with you the burden of fatal fate and with the looks of a beautiful doll, you will explore the "Spots of Mind". Here dwell terrible monsters, who are moving away from human understanding. Your job is to find a way to break the curse.

While exploring, you can only rely on the flashlight. If you are at a "spiritual place", you run the risk of encountering a terrible monster. Your activities can grab their attention. In such moments, you must be careful because meeting your worst nightmares would be deadly. If you can not avoid a monster, you must make a decision. If that's wrong, inevitably a Game Over.

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