Decision for the new beloved Amazon headquarters


Skyline and waterfront of Long Island City in the Queens district of New York

Supplement for one of the two new headquarters of Amazon.

(Photo: AP)

Düsseldorf, SeattleThe online retailer Amazon has chosen US cities in which it will build two more seats: New York City and Arlington, Virginia, were selected candidates, the group said Tuesday. Earlier, the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) announced that the choice had been made on both sites.

About a year ago, Amazon announced plans to build a second headquarters in North America for up to 50,000 employees. The project is expected to cost about $ 5 billion.

At the same time, Amazon announced it would invest $ 230 million in Nashville, Tennessee, in a new operations center of excellence for customer service and global logistics. There, more than 5,000 jobs need to be created.

A few days ago, people who knew about the projects had told them that new jobs would be spread between two cities. The problem is finding enough qualified employees in the technology sector.

The New York headquarters are located in Long Island City, Queens, New York, near Midtown Manhattan and the Upper East Side East River.

Location of New Amazon Central in New York

25,000 new jobs need to be created here. (Map: Amazon)

There was a total of 238 candidates for the new location. Among these 20 selected candidates, Jeff Bezos, boss of Amazon. The finalists included nearby cities such as New York, Toronto, Boston or Chicago, as well as Raleigh in North Carolina and Montgomery County, Maryland. Cities and states were, among others, put forward with tax cuts of $ 1 billion and other amenities.

Amazon had already called for tax reduction criteria, land supply and resettlement badistance. There must also be an international airport, public transport and good educational facilities at headquarters.

At Seattle headquarters, Amazon employs more than 40,000 people in 33 buildings.

The fight for Amazon's favor is a marketing move, as only Bezos, one of the brightest chefs in the tech scene, can imagine. The boss of the Amazon has turned the search into a crazy venue competition, as is normally the case only at the Olympic Games.

The company is often criticized for replacing jobs by automated means and for fighting against unions that charge it low wages, that is, not to benefit local communities.

With agency material

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