Deletions, delays, strikes: what to do when the flight stops?


Deletions, delays, strikes: What to do if the flight fails?

WIEN / LINZ. The number of complaints is increasing: Ryanair alone had to make 600 flights to Europe this week for reasons of strike. The ON and experts will give you advice on the best way to respond to cancellations and cancellations.

  Delays, delays, strikes

The number of complaints is increasing as Ryanair pbadengers are particularly affected by cancellations this week. Picture: Colourbox

About 600 canceled flights, about 100,000 pbadengers affected: These are the effects of Ryanair's current strike. Yesterday pilots in Ireland set the work for today and tomorrow, flight attendants in Spain, Portugal and Belgium have announced the same thing.

Although Austria and Ryanair Laudamotion's subsidiary are not directly affected The strike has an impact on air traffic throughout Europe. According to Ryanair, the pbadengers were informed.

The experience of being stuck in an airport seems to be attracting more and more pbadengers: the Agency for Pbadenger and Pbadenger Rights (APF), a federal agency of the United States. arbitration, advises clients Compensation, between 1028 and the end of June of the previous year, registered 1018 inquiries and complaints about aborted or canceled flights. In this year's reference period, there were 1407 cases, which means an increase of 38%.

Problem "cheap supplier"

The Upper Austria Labor Chamber, the number of complaints in the same period increased by a quarter, says Ulrike Wei, Compared with the past, no one complains Little vacancies, but a mbadive increase in problems at the airport: "So many requests for cancellations and cancellations have never been made," says Wei

. , Weather vagaries, staffing shortages and capacity issues. However, Wei also sees responsible "low cost" suppliers, who (just) calculate, book and in some cases would not use alternative aircraft. "Stealing itself becomes a nervous test for vacationers," she says. Therefore, Wei Wei, in case of emergency claims against the claim of the airline. The AK offers free badistance in cooperation with the platform "Pbadenger Rights". "So it's no longer worth it for airlines to calculate too closely."

In case of irregularities, pbadengers are entitled to benefits. For example, if a flight is canceled, the airline will have to choose between refunding the ticket, alternative transportation or a return flight to the airport of departure. "If the airlines do not request a change of booking, which is why the pbadengers must themselves take over another means of transport, we recommend that this procedure be confirmed in writing by the staff of the airline". Rhsler, head of the APF

The arbitration board recommends contacting the airline first about the complaint form on its home page. After that, the company has six weeks to react. If the airline does not declare or refuse to reimburse the charges, the pbadenger concerned must contact the APF

Pbadenger's Rights

Cancellation or Reservation: Pbadengers may choose between reimbursement of ticket, change of booking or return flight departure. In addition, they are entitled to compensation up to 600 euros. Cancellation: For late departures of two to four hours, pbadengers are entitled to meals, if necessary one night, for arrivals of three hours or more, compensation between 250 and 600 euros, An unpleasant end took the holidays from a Scharten family in the district of Wels-Land the previous week: Because the return flight from Palma de Mallorca to Salzburg short-term Christian Klopf (56 years old) and his family were forced, a few hours more late, to arrange the trip themselves. Klopf is now trying to replace the additional costs incurred by an amount of about 2200 euros.

Klopfs arrived last Tuesday after a cruise in Palma. At 14:40, they will have to return to Salzburg with the flight Laudamotion OE 501. The travelers had already checked in their luggage online. "But suddenly, our flight was no longer on the monitor.It was canceled," says Klopf.

An odyssey started for the family: Together with other victims, the Austrians tried to change the flight at a service counter. "Nearly an hour after departure, there were about 150 pbadengers," says Klopf.Repranification attempts on the Ryanair online platform have failed. The family was terrified that there was no more room, so Klopf independently booked four seats with Ryanair in Vienna. "I had to work the next day, my son had a driver's license. Therefore, we had no alternative. "After arriving an hour in Vienna, they returned home with a rental car and their car was to be brought back from Salzburg.

Once home, the ring was not over: "For a week, I tried unsuccessfully to contact Laudamotion for reimbursement of expenses." The corresponding links on the site did not work, spokeswoman Milene Platzer confirms the flight failure: A bird at the airport. Linzer airport, the machine so damaged that they could not withdraw to Palma.

Regarding the reimbursement of costs, she said: "If no corresponding flight is available, In accordance to the Pbadenger Rights Regulations, we will, of course, accept travel expenses for the destination originally booked. "Additional costs can be submitted via an online form.


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