Demand is down: is the Passat in Europe about to come out?



In 2015, the Pbadat was still celebrated as a new business clbad.

In 2015, the Pbadat was still celebrated as a new business clbad.(Photo: alliance photo / dpa)

Thursday November 8, 2018

The fact that automakers are eliminating cars that are not rolling is not new. But that a car like the Pbadat is now on the list of VW group strikes, it's already a hammer. The Wolfsburgs have other projects.

The VW Pbadat could be in Western Europe before the end. According to information provided by the "Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung" (HAZ), VW plans to stop production of the mid-range model in Emden and build electric cars in the factory. By 2022, the last Pbadat would be removed from the line. A decision must be taken in mid-November at the meeting of the Supervisory Board. The series of models of the streets of the world should in no case disappear completely.

VW does not sell enough Pbadat units in Western Europe.

VW does not sell enough Pbadat units in Western Europe.

According to the initial plans, 251 000 Pbadat should be manufactured this year on the North Sea coast, but by the end of December, according to the HAZ, it will be only 229 000 units. The 8700 employees have already had to get used to the reduced work schedule and unusual schedules this year. Demand for the middle-clbad model is down: while the Pbadat in Germany, despite growing SUV competition for years in the top 5 most-sold cars, was not even among the top 25 models. most sold from the rest of Europe. ,

Large mid-range and relatively expensive cars are hardly in demand, especially in southern Europe. If that's the case, then more prestigious models, such as the Mercedes C-Clbad (20th place in September with just under 13,000 units) purchased. Considered worldwide, the Emdener with about 319,000 units for the current year, although still ranked 19th, but also counts technically related remote models in China and the United States, which are also locally produced and only would not be affected by a factory closure in Emden, La Pbadat and its offspring in China have been among the brand's bestsellers for decades. In the United States, the refurbished 2016 sedan should break the Japanese supremacy in this segment.

SUV and electric cars in Germany

In Germany and Europe, the VW SUV models could replace the Pbadat, on the other the next electric cars of the ID family.The VW Neo announced for 2020 placed with its external dimensions of golf type, although theoretically in the clbad compact, should nevertheless offer a reduced interior space through the reduction of the footprint of a Pbadat. The Neo is built in Volkswagen's first electric car factory in Zwickau.

If demand increases and the product mix is ​​expanded at the same time, the capacity there should not last long. Emden could then become the second electric plant. However, part of the workforce would probably not be needed because the production of electric models is less complex than that of cars with internal combustion engines.

The VW Pbadat, perhaps the latest generation, was launched at the end of 2014 and should be renewed in the coming year. By 2022, the end of the life cycle of the standard model would be reached at the latest. The first Pbadat arrived on the market in 1973, five generations since.


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