What's going on there? Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan face the third departure of the staff since their wedding.
It looks like a dream job: working in the royal palace. But appearances are deceptive. As we know now, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan are facing the third departure of staff since their wedding.

© Tolga AKMEN / AFP
Work for Harry and Meghan – not a dream job?
"Of course, this can happen – the fact that three people quit smoking in a few months seems slow to escape." Gripper an employee of the palace, the Situatuin. As reported by the Daily Mail, Harry and Meghan received the third notice in no time.
"It's a real shock"
The first letter of invitation was presented by longtime private secretary Edward Lane Fox in April of this year. He worked proudly for 15 years in the palace. Samantha Cohen followed soon after. She had gone back to Fox's job. She served for 20 years and would have been the badistant of the queen. And now, Melissa, Meghans' private badistant should have thrown in the towel. "It's a real shock, why would you give up such a prestigious job so quickly," asked an insider of the palace.
Is Meghan to blame?
Yes why only Are the working conditions in the palace so difficult? Are the royals so demanding? The "Daily Mail" refers to the ex-agent of the former star "costumes" Meghan. As a result, Meghan would have been rather ruthless, fussy and contemptuous at the time.
"What Meghan wants, too"
The author, Robert Johnson, also states that the pre-wedding period for the employees should have been exhausting. Prince Harry told the staff, "What Meghan wants, she understands too."
Suitable for: These are the most popular royals
Why layoffs now floated remains a mystery that abides in the palace walls … until the next insider's discussion of the palace.
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