Despite multidrug-resistant germs: new drug cures TB patients



The computer image shows what a lung infected with tuberculosis looks like.

The computer image shows what a lung infected with tuberculosis looks like.(Photo: imago / Science Photo Library)

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Tuberculosis kills more people in the world than any other infectious disease. In addition, there are infections with multidrug-resistant pathogens. A new drug will still help save nine out of ten people.

Tuberculosis kills three people every minute. The disease is the most deadly infectious disease in the world. About one third of the world's population carries the pathogen – many of them can no longer be fought with conventional anti-tuberculosis drugs. They are multi-resistant.

Clinically, a new drug can cure 80% of patients infected with multidrug-resistant TB pathogens. According to an exclusive AFP study, Belarusian doctors treated 181 people to bedaquiline in combination with other drugs. Of the 168 patients who participated until the end, 144 were completely cured.

According to the World Health Organization, WHO, the success rate of treatment for multidrug-resistant TB pathogens was only 55%. The results of the study were largely confirmed in the bedaquiline test series in other Eastern European countries, as well as in Africa and South-East Asia. Lead author Alena Skrahina from Minsk described the results as "promising". The study will be presented in a few days at a major conference on tuberculosis.

Milestone in the fight against resistance

The use of new drugs such as bedaquiline could completely change the situation of people with resistant pathogens, said Scientific Director of the International Association Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, Paula Fujiwara . She did not participate in the study.

Tuberculosis is the most deadly infectious disease. According to WHO data, last year, at least 1.7 million people worldwide died from it. Multidrug-resistant agents are immunized against two of the most commonly used agents. Belarus is one of the countries where this multidrug-resistant tuberculosis bacterium is most prevalent.


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