Disney: the takeover of Fox decided – X-Men


71.3 billion dollars. So much is the recovery of Fox by Disney. Now Fox shareholders have agreed to the agreement, as a result of which the case is practically over. Until recently, Disney and Comcast have contested for the acquisition, in which Comcast has also offered an astronomical amount. The decision was made after two meetings between the shareholders of Disney and Fox, who took together less than half an hour.

Two meetings between the shareholders of Disney and Fox, each lasting 15 minutes, were enough to conclude the case. Disney, by common shareholder agreement, will acquire Fox for $ 71.3 billion. The company is expected to be completed in the first half of 2019, according to 20th Century Fox. A single Disney shareholder expressed his concerns about the rally and argued that Disney paid too much for the deal.

The agreement follows Disney's rights to Fox's clbadics and movie series, including X-Men, Fantastic Four and Deadpool. This also opens the door to crossroads between Avengers and X-Men. However, we still do not know which movies and franchises go from Fox to Disney. FX, Nat Geo, Star India and 30% of Fox's shares in Hulu and 39% in Sky are included in the deal alongside 20th Century Fox's film and television studios.

An offer of more than $ 65 billion is surprisingly withdrawn, but remains interested in Sky's purchase.

Source: Gamespot

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