DLC "Lost On Mars" is now available ⊂ · ⊃ CURVED.de


Nearly four months after the release of "Far Cry 5", the second DLC of the open world shooter is now available: "Lost On Mars" is now available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. 19659002] You can buy "Lost On Mars" one at a time or you can secure expansion as part of the Season Pbad or the Gold Edition of "Far Cry 5". According to the press release, the add-on continues the adventures of the Season Pbad. However, the setting is completely different from the main game or the first DLC. As you move to Vietnam in the previous expansion, this time you head to an even more exotic place: In "Far Cry 5: Lost On Mars", you travel to Mars as Nick Rye and Hurk to put extraterrestrials in their place.

Alien shooting with alien weapons

For a first impression of "Far Cry 5: Lost on Mars", give the trailer you will find on this article. Your job is to repair an artificial intelligence called ANNE. Because it's the last line of human defense against the imminent extraterrestrial invasion.

On the Red Planet, extraterrestrial equipment is available for your mission – including the "Blaster of Disaster", "Hellfire", "Morphinator", and Space Jets. In addition, in the "Far Cry Arcade" now for all players "Lost On Mars" content. You can use them to create your own cards for "Far Cry 5".

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