Does "Ant-Man And The Wasp" reveal that there will be time travel in "Avengers 4"? – News from the cinema


Attention SPOILER! The first credit scene of "Ant-Man And The Wasp" is a clear reference to events in "Avengers: Infinity War". But there may be more to that …

Walt Disney

The now legendary Thanos shifter (Josh Brolin) in "Avengers 3" arrives, as we learn in the credits of "Ant -Man And The Wasp "just as Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is in the quantum realm. Hank Pym (Michael Douglas), Janet Van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer) and Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly) are blown away in the episode. So, Scott is stuck in the quantum field because everyone is gone to help him out. But what comes down is a small line of dialogue that can be heard shortly before and could become very important.

Shortly before Scott enters the quantum field, Janet warns him clearly. He should be wary of temporal vortices. When we met Peyton Reed, the director of "Ant Man And The Wasp", for an interview, we wanted to know from him if this hint of timing was as important as we think and tell him we should not For Scott could be out of his predicament, but this vortex can play a role in the continuation of the fight against Thanos. As could be expected, Reed had to explain to us that he is unfortunately not allowed to talk about it, but that it should be understood that there is no had no disposable dialogue lines installed. The reference has at least one meaning.

Escape from the vortex-time?

That makes us speculate, of course. We know that Paul Rudd belongs to the distribution of the pursuit "Infinity War" and unlike the predecessor in this game will really play. He must therefore escape the quantum domain

Since he does not seem to be able to do this as in the first film using the technique of Hank Pym, he must find another way: a possibility would be that he is there uses these swirls time. This could cause it to come out in another time. In the future, many years after the Thanos shaper? With Emma Fuhrmann, a new actress of Scott's daughter, Cbadie, was chosen for "Avengers 4". That six years older than the previous actress, could be an indication that Scott appears in the future.

Time travel as a key in the fight against Thanos?

For some time, it has also been believed that traveling in "Avengers 4" generally play an important role. The directors even talked about it before the release of "Infinity War". The heroes badembled around the "Iron Man" leader Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) could try to undo the fingers of Thanos and thus save their friends and half of all living things. But how do they travel in time?

Again, the whirlwind of time might come into play. After using one to escape the quantum realm and end up in a future, Scott might be looking for someone to explain what's going on. past. Could he look for an older, more sour inventor, Tony Stark? He might perceive time travel as the solution he's been looking for and inventing for years to put the power of time in the right direction, Tony's BARF technology is already allowing some form of travel into the time, if only as an observer. Maybe he can develop it further with Scott's knowledge of the quantum realm?

Captain Marvel in the quantum field?

Meanwhile, Buzzfeed's colleagues have a different idea of ​​time. They believe in a reference to Captain Marvel (Brie Larson). Until now, we do not know much about the heroine teased in the credits of "Infinity War" – only that she was active in the 1990s, but apparently disappeared without leaving any trace since then. Finally, she never showed herself even though the earth was in danger several times.

The colleagues of Buzzfeed suspect that Captain Marvel was victim of such a vortex and that this may be to blame was not seen in the 90s. could she also have disappeared into the quantum realm and now join Scott to flee together.

We consider this unlikely. Since Nick Fury contacts her via a pager at the end of " Infinity War ", he must badume that she is in a place from which she could rush to help in a timely manner . The quantum empire does not seem to be a place where people like to stay stuck for longer.

From March 7, 2019, "Captain Marvel" will be in cinemas and at the latest in the credits we will discover where it is. she receives the cry of help from Nick Fury at the end of "Avengers: Infinity War". How Ant-Man manages to escape and if he meets Captain Marvel, then we learn the latest news from April 25, 2019. Then "Avengers 4" begins.

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