Constantin & Longchamp at the Lenbach Grill in Munich: Martin Moszkowicz with journalist Ulrike Schmidt
© Heinz Weissfuss
Munich as a meeting place for the media? Constantin Film plans to move to Cologne and Berlin in part
Munich – In fact, the stories of Constantin Film and the Berben family are the best material to make a television series – a saga of the Kingdom of Filmmakers, Alone at the Festival of Munich, a whole series of series and productions of the Constantine House is presented: u. at. the new series Perfume and The Protocol of Netflix or ZDF with Iris Berben in the title role Beer Royal with Lisa Maria Potthoff, Gisela Schneeberger and Marianne Sägebrecht
Formats is the CEO of Constantin Oliver Berben (47 years old) with his team of producers. A man who likes to reach the stars – he studied aerospace engineering before preferring stars on celluloid. Son of Iris Berben (67 years old), he grew up in movie sets. Her mother is one of the few big stars of Germany – not only as an actress, but also as president of the German Film Academy, which awards the prize of German cinema. Iris Berben is a queen in the industry. She never claims to be – the actress is reserved, just like her son Oliver, who never reveals anything private. What he likes to follow astro-Alex's tweets is pretty much the most personal thing that he would say publicly.
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Moszkowicz thinks about relocation
But it does not shine as well. What about the white-blue sky of this entertaining industry raise dark clouds. Martin Moszkowicz, CEO of Constantin, took advantage of the festival to reflect on the disadvantages of localization Munich and a partial relocation – in Cologne and Berlin
about to receive a badtail of Longchamp & Constantin-Film in The Grill on Lenbachplatz. our columnist: "Yes, we complain about the location of the media in Munich and Bavaria, although our new Prime Minister Markus Söder is highly publicized, we do not see much that this is reflected in the concrete policy" said Moszkowicz. "Nothing is perfect! We are no longer bringing together teams for television and film production because the cost of living in Munich is extremely high. At the same time, we feel left alone by the Bayerische Landesbank, which was supposed to support first clbad businesses at home. And for years, we have struggled in vain for a high-speed Internet center to send movies around the world – Haifa, Soho – all major media outlets have, except us as an international company in Schwabing. his criticism was the Bavarian Film Fund.
Hummmms. This is found. As beautiful and radiant as the industry comes to the Film Festival – it is not the gold that shines. But a wonderful backdrop in which you could always imagine new film and series fabrics. For example, a saga about Constantine Film, whose king was Bernd Eichinger († 61) for decades.
Ulrike Schmidt
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