Does Meghan divide the Princes Brothers?


Disputes. Recently, Prince Harry (34) reportedly said, "What Meghan wants, go get Meghan". It also seems to be why Harry is looking for a new place to live. According to one insider, the two do not want their baby to grow up in a "fish bowl". The move would also mean a physical separation from Harry's brother, Prince William.

At Windsor Castle, Harry and Maghan will live at Frogmore Cottage. The building takes its name from the large number of frogs that once lived in the marshes. In Windsor, Harry and Meghan, now officially Duchess of Susbad, will be very close to the Queen. Queen Elizabeth II (92) would spend much more time at the castle than in Buckingham Palace, in the heart of London.

Harry and former actress Meghan were married last May at Windsor Castle. At that time, they received about 200 guests in the evening for the wedding party at Frogmore Estate.

Prince Harry according to a survey of the most popular Royal

Prince Harry is, according to a survey, the most popular royal. 77% have a good opinion of him, as revealed a survey of YouGov's Monday from some 3,700 people. The British describe him as friendly, humorous and sincere. Second place is his grandmother, Queen Elizabeth II (74%), right behind her brother, Prince William (73).

By far, fourth place goes to Duchess Kate (64%), fifth to Prince Philip (56) and sixth to Harry's wife, Meghan (55). Not as well cut as Prince Charles, his inapplicable and applicable heir, who will turn 70 on Wednesday. Not even every second (48%) had a positive opinion of him – he was seventh. His wife Camilla was only tenth with 29%. She was Charles's mistress when he was married to Princess Diana. At that time, they made fun of a lot of "Rottweiler".

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