Donaubühne Tulln – Euphoria "mourning" at the Farewell concert of the EAV


"Yes, when it's the most beautiful, you should stop," said Erich Schindlecker, director of Donaubühnen, welcomed about 2,400 visitors on the anniversary of Donaubühne, the sold-out concert of l & # 39; EAV.

"We are bringing the EAV into the grave," said Klaus Eberhartinger after lifting his coffin and thanking the visitors for applauding the song "What's over, it's over" that they paid the AVE to Tulln "the burial of the river", the last glory,

Two weeks ago, this farewell concert was preceded by another EAV concert because the tickets were sold in no time.

"We are burying the EAV"

All the hits were used and the euphoric audience sang with pbadion.

One thing was different at this concert. Au bis, the "prince of fairy tales", Fabian, 10, from Lower Austria, jumped on the scene and made it vibrate with Klaus Eberhartinger with special "dance moves".

Between songs, Eberhartinger repeated time and again in the audience, arousing loud applause. The pillories included Donald Trump, the black white silver pucks and the "radiating faces" of Chernobyl. "Let's not forget that we are lucky to live in this country," said Eberhartinger. The last song was: "Tomorrow": "For 1000 years, we sing it at the end."

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