Dramatic accident video: Clooney is projected in the air – Movies and television


The crash of Hollywood star George Clooney in Sardinia could have ended much worse than him. This is shown by images of a hotel security camera. The actor had driven a scooter into a car and crashed into the windshield. After that, he was initially disoriented and shocked, as reported by the local police chief.

The video footage of a hotel near Costa Corallina was published by the Italian newspaper "Corriere della Sera". They show how the accident occurred exactly Tuesday morning. A Mercedes-Combi wanted to turn left on a country lane when two scooters came in opposite directions. The first – controlled by a member of the Clooney team – was able to avoid the car. Clooney behind, however, drove into the car, bounced into the windshield and then flew about two meters in the air.

Dramatic these scenes are similar. The 57-year-old Hollywood star and father of two can be lucky. The local police chief, Giovanni Mannoni, told the newspaper "Bild": "George Clooney was shocked, he crashed against the rear window of the Mercedes and flew out of the car , damn luck. "

"I asked him if he could move his legs."

When the police arrived at the scene of the accident, Clooney was lying on the ground, not knowing what s & # 39; He had pbaded. A short time later, he found his bearings. the police asked, "What do you want from me? My colleagues replied: "Gladly your driver's license. Clooney was about to testify with the police

The actor was slightly injured in the accident, including the knee and hip, and left the hospital later the same day . The 67-year-old driver, with whom Clooney collided, was also shocked after the accident.

The fact that the wounded Clooney was not realized at first, he told the Sardinian newspaper La Nuova: "I asked him if he could move his legs. Is that while I saw that it was George Clooney. "However, that did not change the situation:" I was only concerned about his health " , emphasized the driver.

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