Drassl and Co. takes its audience to a paradise of love


Drbadl and Co. kidnap their audience in a land of milk and honey

HAAG. Theater Summer Haag plays the comedy Shakespeare "What you want". The first will take place tomorrow, Wednesday. The attack on the cards continues

  Drbadl and Co. kidnap their audience in a land of love

The island of Illyria is the theater of Shakespearian comedy "What you want ". Acting star Gerti Drbadl (pictured right) and his colleagues experience all sorts of turbulent adventures. Bild: Pertramer

One of the most famous Shakespearian comedies, as well as stars like Gerti Drbadl, well known in the television series "Vorstadtweiber": These are factors that will bring more visitors to the Theater from The Hague. like last year. "For the July performances, we only have tickets," confirms Gerhard Stubauer, new director of the summer theater. Because of the great interest, they decided to make an additional first presentation in the program. This will take place on Wednesday, August 1st.

Mitterer arrives at the watch

The premiere of "What you want," says the title, is imminent. It will be tomorrow, Wednesday, July 4th. Among the guests eagerly awaiting the performance are featured writer Felix Mitterer and actor Manuel Rubey. Werner Sobotka, who has headed several times in Haag, will also be present.

Shakespeare 's play plays in "the land of milk of love", as it is called in The Hague Program. Eating and drinking play a significant role on the island of Illyren, theater of a turbulent history. The plot: Viola survives a shipwreck, disguised as a man in the service of Duke Orsino, in order to carry messages of love to his beloved, Countess Olivia. But Olivia falls in love with Viola, who officially appears as Caesairo. Viola, on the other hand, appreciates the duke …

Including the first and the extra performance, "What you want" is played 19 times. Once again, the venue of the event is the open-air theater on the main square in The Hague, which can accommodate up to 550 spectators. In addition to Drbadl, who badumes the role of servant Maria, Intendant Christian Dolezal also acts again. As Viola and Olivia Charlotte Krenz and Maddalena Hirschal are used. You may also be curious about the second "Vorstadtweib", which plays in "What you want". Susi Stach plays Sir Toby Rülp, which gives her a so-called role of trousers.

Drbadl is already for the fourth time at the Theater Summer in The Hague. More recently, she participated in the play "Jägerstätter", before that of "Cyrano von Bergerac" and "The Naked Madness".

You can find all the information about Theater Summer in The Hague on www.theatersommer.at. Tickets can be ordered by calling (07434) 44600. The support program must offer the appearance of another Vorstadtweibs. Nina Proll presents her "Vorstadtlieder" on Sunday, July 29th.

Theater Summer Haag, from July 4th, www.theatersommer.at, Tickets: Phone: (07434) 44600.

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