"DSDS" casting in Königswinter: Dieter Bohlen & Co. looking for Superstars in Drachenfels


Königswinter –

Nervous? "Maybe a little bit," admits Patrick Braz of Bad Honnef. With a dozen other people, the 22-year-old is waiting for his mission at the lower station of the Drachenfelsbahn. They all have one thing in common: the dream of life on the stage of the show. And they are very close.

A few meters further and higher, the 16th season of "Deutschland sucht den Superstar" (DSDS) is filmed. In the glbad cube on the Drachenfelsplateau, the jury composed of veterans of the DSDS, Dieter Bohlen, Xavier Naidoo, Pietro Lombardi and Oana Nechiti, decided to determine who had the qualities of an excellent stage career.

Open Cast Talent

Although most superstar contenders have already qualified for the jury in the preliminary rounds, there was still a chance for those who had a short-term decision to demonstrate their free casting skills at the lower station – naturally behind closed doors . The music experts of the valley then decided who was allowed at the last minute to submit to the critical evaluation of the jury on the Drachenfels.

"Idol": Casting in Königswinter

Maurice Zumbusch from Königswinter left "spontaneously" for a free cast: "I learned the day before yesterday and I was curious." In the region, the 28-year-old is known for his social music projects, for example with young people or refugees. , Is the first appearance in front of television cameras imminent? In the end, this fails because of lack of preparation. Zumbusch takes the easy thing: "I met a lot of talented singers from Bonn, it was still worth it for me."

They said, I should catch up more

Even for Patrick Braz, whom his friends dragged to the cast, the dream of a great fame is over: "I was told that I had a great voice. could have reached the top of the mountain. "In the same words, most of the supposed talents stealthily coming out of the building with the head tilted are put off. "They said, I should do more," annoys a teenager. So, does not the voice count only in the singing show?

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Pietro Lombardi also came to Königswinter and posed with the fans.

Alicia-Awa Beissert from Bochum convinced the music experts during the open casting at the lower station and solved one of the coveted tickets until the summit. If the 21-year-old, however, before Bohlen's acerbic tongue and critics of other members of the jury, is still not revealed. The show will eventually air on television next year.

Problem with the conservation authorities

For a week, the RTL team fired on the Drachenfels. When the production company made the request a year and a half ago, he did not have to think twice, recalls Hermann Nolden, who runs the restaurant in Drachenfels. "The action is a great marketing for the region.In one fell swoop, millions of people see the beauty of the site for free."

After initial discussions with the conservation authorities, an agreement was finally reached: Monday, the TV equipment was installed in the nature reserve and had disappeared again in the night from Friday to Saturday. During the shooting week, Nolden and her 20 employees were very busy. In addition to RTL's 90-strong crew, many day-trippers and TV-lovers went on autograph hunt with the jury members during Drachenfels filming breaks, also wanted to be entertained. ,

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