Duchess Kate: For reasons of safety prohibited! It would be too risky


Duchess Kate has a pbadion for sport since childhood. In addition to hockey, sailing and tennis, she enjoys jogging. But why does the palace forbid you to participate in a marathon?

She plays tennis, rivals William (36 years old) and runs with her children: Duchess Kate (36) is known for her sportiness. The mother of three is too good for any competition and even makes the biggest effort a relaxed figure. With his divine wife, the Duchess of Cambridge also supports a number of sports county organizations.

In 2017, their "Heads Together" campaign was selected for the London Donation Marathon. 40,000 people traveled the 42 kilometers and collected more than 60 million euros. Only members of the royal family were not allowed to participate. Why, then, the author revealed Bryony Gordon, 37, who personally interviewed Kate about it

In the episode of the British talk show "Loose Women" last Monday (July 2), Gordon told a meeting with the British Brit. When she talked about the London Marathon, "do you run the marathon too?" The author asked, prompting Kate to say "No, unfortunately not for security reasons."

A few weeks ago, Kate excited her fans. She managed to run on tall shoes across a meadow. See the video above

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