Dunant: Google projects cable across the Atlantic!


W Is there a guaranteed secure data connection between the United States and the EU to the maximum performance? You simply put your own cable! At least the billionaire company Google is pursuing this ambitious plan with a new submarine cable from the US manufacturer Tyco Electronics Subsea Communications. In two years, or 2020, the company will install the submarine cable between the United States and Europe. It bears the beautiful name of Dunant.

Dunant: In the footsteps of Henry Dunant

The submarine cable would be located between Northern Virginia and Belgium, and the cable is already on land in France. Dunant expects Google to have a high availability cloud connection, high bandwidth, low latency and high security between continents. Dunant is the fourth private submarine cable, but the first between these two continents. Incidentally, the name of the project goes back to the Swiss Jean-Henri Henry Dunant (* 8.5.1828, 30.10.1910), who received the very first Nobel Peace Prize in 1901 for his work, which included the founding of the Cross Red.

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