E-mobility: the collaboration between VW and Ford is gaining momentum


Negotiations have progressed, billions could be saved. VW Group confirmed the appropriate considerations. Among other things, both partners could get an idea of ​​the technology of motors or electric drives. A spokeswoman for Ford simply said at the request that consultations on an alliance with VW included a "number of areas". It is still too early to announce any other details.

In June, VW and Ford had decided to consider a strategic partnership. It was to explore "possible projects in a number of areas of activity". The purpose of the cooperation is primarily to reduce the costs of development and production. Further details should however be mentioned later. Financial participations are not planned.

Bloomberg: robotic cars are also possible

Until now, only the joint development of new commercial vehicles has been realized. But the fact that plans can go beyond has already become evident. Bloomberg had already reported last week, citing insiders, that an expanded partnership could include the development of robotic cars. The opportunities for collaboration are "not limited at all," said Bob Shanks, chief financial officer of Ford, at US Financial Services.

VW light commercial vehicles have also raised concerns. In late September, Herbert Diess, CEO of the group, had promised a lot of work to the brand's main brand in Hannover: "It is clear that we maintain the fact that we are using Hannover correctly with a Ford partnership." The head of the enterprise committee, Bernd Osterloh, favored collaboration with the Americans – but under certain conditions. "It must bring economic benefits, but of course it must not endanger jobs," he told the DPA.

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