Ebay lowers its annual forecast – share losses



Adjusted earnings increased more than seven percent from one year to the next

(Photo: Reuters)

San Jose Ebay lowers its forecasts annual. Above all, a disappointing sports season is the StubHub girl, as announced online retailer Wednesday night. As there were fewer events, the online ticket seller had sold fewer tickets.

"The beginning of the baseball season has never been so bad," said company chief Devin Wenig. Even in the basketball and ice hockey finals, the series was not so exciting, that's why there were fewer games than expected. The manager is also pessimistic for the second half and does not expect a recovery.

In addition, the high cost of advertising and the development of more user-friendly websites are not yet paying off. Ebay is therefore only targeting sales of $ 10.75 to $ 10.85 billion for 2018. So far, the Amazonian rival expected $ 10.9 to $ 11.1 billion. In the market, the Ebay share was punished in opening hours: it dropped by five percent.

To tackle the competition like Amazon or Alibaba and attract more customers, launched various Ebay initiatives. This is so that buyers should be able to find products faster. In addition, the payment methods have been simplified. However, Ebay does not rely on the former Paypal subsidiary, but mainly on the Dutch payment processor Adyen.

However, efforts have failed to offset the slow growth of StubHub. In the second quarter, the California group had 175 million active users, four million more than at the beginning of the year. From April to June, revenues grew nine percent to $ 2.64 billion year-over-year. Net income rose 7.7% to $ 533 million

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