Editorial: Freedom, Equality, Mbappé! – WORLD


P The olitic victories obey a strict topography in France, the sportsmen having their own aesthetics. While the left traditionally celebrates the place of the Bastille and repeats the revolution, the conservatives celebrate their victories on the Place de la Concorde. Only Avenue des Champs-Elysees is reserved for real heroes, it is the only place of neutral national pride, the Defiliertrbade for soldiers, the Feiermeile for athletes. Didier Deschamps, captain of the French national football team in 1998, 20 years later his coach, she drove Monday for the second time as world champion in the open bus. So it's more than a joke that the French have already renamed Sunday night the most beautiful avenue in the world in "Deschamps-Elysees".

Victory, euphoria – all this is felt almost everywhere in the world: Eleven play, and hopefully wins in the end, the whole nation. The blue and white-red of this summer is particularly good luck because it hits a nation that is not as spoiled for victory in football as anyone else, and who in recent years has had more harm than others. There was a national feeling of community for the last time when the French complained about their terrorist scores. One was united in pain. Now, it's the jubilation that seems to make everyone the same. And this community feeling of happiness is all the more intense as the wounds of the terrorist attacks of the last few years have not healed yet. This is one of the reasons why editorial writers describe the blue-white-red exuberance as a "calm" or even a "good patriotism".

It is not the nationalism that awakens the old demons, but a late reconciliation. Even the bells of Notre Dame have rung to celebrate this worldly title of world champion. Forgotten is now the goof of the main presenter of the evening news, who commented on the start of the World Cup with the words, you will now look at eleven millionaires, as they run after a balloon. It was a stupid saying, but it gave some idea of ​​the distance of many French for this World Cup tournament. And how happy they are to get out.

There is always the danger of overestimating the symbolic or political content of a sporting victory for the sake of words. Nevertheless, national teams are often a reflection of the companies that produce them. The Germans have come to experience it painfully. Jogi Löw and Angela Merkel seem to be unhappy partners of Deutschland AG, whose shares are in bad shape. France, on the other hand, has a tailwind. It would only be sporting Germans to engage in this victory with their neighbors and hope that the optimism continues, that it will have a social, political and economic effect, as long as possible.

Emmanuel Macron, whose popularity values ​​in the broke in recent weeks, staged in advance as the secret coach of the national team. He visited the "Bleus" in the training camp well before leaving for Russia. On Sunday, he literally wet his shirt for her and pushed and hugged each player in the pouring rain, as if they were his natural sons. Real enthusiasm or political instrumentalisation? A little of both, we can suspect. What is certain is that the title of world champion will give Macron only a little respite. He will not be able to bask in the splendor of the players for long.

Beyond political capture, the president and the national team now act as a fate: for both, youth seemed an obstacle. The two fascinated, but the victory was not necessarily expected. And both believed in themselves. A company known for its notorious doubts, which regularly breaks records in the use of antidepressants, is definitely going well. Suddenly, there are winners who did something, did.

Macron often explained his economic reforms with the image of climbers on the mountain. The first on the rope were important to a society, because they led and helped others. It was a cynical image to all who did not enjoy the exemption from the wealth tax, but who still had to wonder how they were to pay their next bill of sale. electricity. The title of the World Cup is now morally exhilarating. And Kylian Mbappé, the young hero, wants to donate his prize to an badociation for people with disabilities, the Premiers de Cordée, the playmakers.

Mbappé, a 19-year-old star from the Parisian suburbs of Bondy, had three years when in 2005 riots broke out in the suburbs. Today, young supporters of Bondy are wearing jerseys with the inscription: Liberty, Equality, Mbappé. Unlike 1998, this year the focus is not put on the "black-white-butter", the multiculturalism that has been the backbone of the black, white and white team. Arab. Today, and it is a significant social progress, the victorious blend of skin colors, origins, roots and religions is evident in a society where one in four French people has at least one grandfather or grandmother who was not born in France. At the same time everyone knows today that even the most beautiful goals and the most beautiful victories of the heroes named Pogba, Kanté or Umtiti will not relieve the oppressive unemployment of the French suburbs. They only provide, temporarily, for collective relaxation. And just as the Germans had the feeling of being back in the world after their World Cup victory in 1954, the French are just beginning to believe that they are still after all.

Antoine Griezmann said before the game: You have to be proud to be French. With this attitude, the "Bleus" has succeeded, with which no one could reconcile the French with football and, for the moment, with their republic. Didier Deschamps, in the first wave of victory on the ground, soaked in rain, really said: "Long live the Republic!" And he acted as the French president of the heart.

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