Elon Musk, boss of Tesla: "We are above the mountain"


Palo Alto –

Tesla boss Elon Musk overcame the drought years at the electric car manufacturer. "As I said earlier this year, I think we are going to spend more money than in all other neighborhoods," Musk said in a podcast of the US blog "Recode," released Friday. "You should never be complacent, so we have to keep working hard – but I think we're above the mountain."

Tesla struggled for months with big start-up problems in producing its first, less expensive model 3 car. The target of 5,000 Model 3 vehicles per week was only reached six months later than expected in summer. This resulted in heavy losses and worried many badysts about the group's capital resources. Musk reiterated that Tesla could do without another capital injection.

quarterly profit

More recently, Tesla made a quarterly profit for the first time in two years, as the new model consisted of strong sales and sales jumped. At the end of the quarter, the weekly production rate was 5,300 models 3, with 56,065 units delivered during the quarter. "We are now working to increase the number of models 3 to 7,000 per week while controlling our costs," said Musk. Tesla had received about 400,000 reservations for Model 3.

Musk can use the tailwind well, the starter has often been criticized recently. For example, because of the decision quickly abandoned to remove Tesla from the stock market. The idea posted on Twitter was followed by investor complaints and sanctions from the US Securities and Exchange Commission, which tried to manipulate the market. As a result, Musk is expected to chair the board of directors for three years.

According to Musk's plans, the funds needed for the downturn in the stock market should come from a state-owned investment fund in Saudi Arabia. Now, "presumably", he could no longer get money out of the country, said Musk, referring to the violent death of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul.

In the interview "Recode", Musk once again tasted his famous big mouth. He sees no major competitor in the development of robotic car technologies in large automotive companies, the technology billionaire said. "They are just not good at software, and it's a software problem." Tesla is at least about to let his cars run independently next year, Musk promised. However, he had already announced this year the automated trip of a Tesla between US shores, which had been postponed several times. (AP)

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