Elon Musk wants to build a mini submarine for rescue in Thailand


The efforts of the football team in a Thai cave are in full swing. Since Sunday, divers have already taken several children out of flooded tunnels to safety. Authorities slow down as monsoon rains could flood more areas in the cave.

The dive loses its strength. It is doubtful that the remaining children and their coaches are managing the road safely. After all, they have been waiting for 15 days. Oxygen threatens to become rare. If this happened to extremes, boys should be saved in a flash action. The entrepreneur Elon Musk wants to build mini-submarines to evacuate people for such missions.

His engineers are currently testing the capsule. Musk has already shown the first series of tests on Twitter. However, he admits himself that the use of the submarine in Thailand is not certain – that it would arrive in time is uncertain.

Elon Musk commissioned SpaceX to build

Musk had his company shortly before the weekend set to help in

. For example, his drilling company The Boring Company is offered. Similarly, Tesla could provide energy cells for pumps.

On Saturday, the decision was taken from SpaceX's work on a solution . The company builds Falcon 9 rockets. Use as liquid oxygen fuel, which is pbaded through tubes. They have now rebuilt a team of engineers so that a child or a small adult can get in, says Musk on Twitter

. The primary path is basically a small child-sized submarine using the Falcon rocket's liquid oxygen transfer tube as a hull. Light enough to be worn by two divers, small enough to fit through narrow spaces. Extremely robust.

– Elon Musk July 7, 2018

The oxygen cylinders on the nose and tail are designed to provide the pbadenger. The matte-silver capsule does not have its own drive, but is pulled by divers on holds across the aisles. The vehicle was small enough to swim through the tunnels.

SpaceX itself did not want to comment on his boss's tweets. But in front of the technological portal The Verge, a spokesman for the Boring Company confirmed that engineers from the drilling company Tesla and SpaceX were working on the project and were conducting initial series of tests

. sailor was to be used

Twitter announced that it sent a first guy Sunday in Thailand. He hopes to use the mini-submarine in the future . To what extent Musk exploits the drama as a promotion, or is preparing in advance for the rescue, can not judge from the outside. On

anyway, the boss of Tesla could already trigger an animated discussion. His videos with the capsule show between one and three million views.

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