Energy: SMA Solar puts pressure on prices


SMA Solar is facing price pressure on solar systems and, with its numbers, is below the level of the previous year in the first nine months.

Despite a slight increase in sales, sales decreased 2.9% to 575.1 million euros. The operating profit has risen from 55.3 to 50.5 million euros, the solar technology manufacturer in Niestetal announced on Thursday. The recently capped forecast for the year has been confirmed by ADM. China is considered the largest solar market in the world, where the promotion and construction of solar systems has been significantly reduced throughout the year. Many major projects are going into the next year. "In this context, SMA orders have not met expectations in recent months," said company head Jürgen Reinert. He has been stationed since mid-October, after the announcement of his retirement by his predecessor Pierre-Pascal Urbon.

SMA is about to change. By the end of September, the company had lowered its guidance for the current year. By 2018, the business figure would only be 800 to 850 million euros, instead of a billion euros. The manufacturer had therefore announced job cuts, without giving details.

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