Entertainer Thoroughbred: Birthday Anniversary of July 5, 2018: Michael Heltau


He is the great old man of the Viennese Burgtheater, who also inspired many visitors to the German stages with his voice and his acting. Michael Heltau, the Viennese of choice with Bavarian roots, embodies the thoroughbred animator of yesteryear. It's only been in the last few months that he has become calmer around him.

In November 2017, he presented to the Burg his 34th solo program entitled "I would like a blue balloon …" a selection of French songs by [19659003] Jacques Brel Charles Aznavour or Charles Trenet. Shortly after, his life partner, Dutch director and author Loek Huisman, died at the age of 91. It was a blow for Heltau, who is celebrating his 85th birthday on Thursday, July 5th.

Throughout his life, Heltau managed to draw the line between Shakespeare, Viennese songs and musicals. He describes himself more as a "man of theater than as an actor". He could be seen in clbadic roles such as Romeo, Hamlet, Don Carlos or as Bluntschli in the musical Udo-Jürgens "Heroes, Heroes". For many years, Heltau played in the "Jedermann" at the Salzburg Festival.

Heltau, born in Ingolstadt, came to Austria with his parents when he was six years old. At first, his acting talent was noticeable. From 1951 to 1953, he attended the prestigious seminar Max Reinhardt at

. He received his first engagement at the Stadttheater Würzburg in 1953, in 1954 he came to the Bavarian State Theater in Munich and in 1956 to the Vienna Josefstadt. He has been a member of the entire Burgtheater since 1972.

His second career as a singer and artist began in 1965 with a recording, recording of his solo evening with "Werther's Suffering" , followed by new releases like "Heltau sings Brel". On stage, he celebrated a great success with his programs designed by Loek Huisman, such as "Auf die Nacht Herr Direktor". In 2004, he appeared in "Love Letters" for the last time in a play. Since then, the coconut man was in readings, in shows or in solo parties on stage.

If he could not finance his life as an artist, he would have become a cook, he decided once at the beginning of his career. Despite its success, Heltau has the reputation of a humble and affable artist. The star doors have never been said to him. "I do not care at all about myself," he says in the book "On Keyword: Michael Heltau".

He has always been critical of almost every genre of artist during his career. Offers on. He deliberately rejected the role of Dr. Brinkmann in the television series "Schwarzwaldklinik", although at that time he could have used the money for the construction of his house: "I can not take the pulse for a year "the newspaper" Die Presse "

The versatile artist, who got Austrian citizenship in 1968, has a lot of real fans. "" Mr. Heltau, other artists have an audience, you have friends, "said one day a theater guest." It's a gift, it's a win in the lottery. ", said Heltau satisfied.

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