Erdogan criticizes the "racist treatment" with Özil «


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan participated in the debate on Mesut Özil behind the former playmaker of the German National Football Team. "To treat a young man who gave everything for the German national team because of his racist religious belief is unacceptable," Erdogan told reporters in the Turkish parliament on Tuesday.

He had spoken with Özil on Monday night. The action of the player deserves any kind of admiration. The footballer's critics could not digest Özil's picture with him.

Özil announced his resignation from the national team on Sunday and justified that with a sense of racism and disrespect. Özil and his national team colleague, Ilkay Gündogan, met shortly before the presidential election in Turkey with Erdogan and handed him the jerseys of their respective teams. This has been criticized, among other things, as an electoral aid for Erdogan, who is accused of contempt for human rights and freedom of the press. Özil defended the photo as a gesture of respect towards the president of his ancestral country.

In Germany, however, Özil and the German Football Association continued to be criticized on Tuesday. Several politicians on Tuesday accused Turkish athletes of making their retirement too easy

Greens accuse mbad mistakes of the DFB

The chairman of the Sports Committee of the German Bundestag, Dagmar Freitag (SPD), criticized the art. and how Özil declared his resignation from the national team accompanied by racist allegations. She finds it "difficult" that Özil expressed so late and then on the Twitter short message service, she told Bayerischer Rundfunk. "Maybe he should have spoken more openly and then you could have discussed it."

The spokesman for the parliamentary group of the Union, Mathias Middelberg (CDU), accused Özil that it was "too simple" to do. "The representation of our country in the national jersey also has a political dimension," said Middelberg in the "Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung". The photo with Erdogan was "in no way a private matter" and also "no apolitical smallness."

The Greens accuse the DFB of mbadive mistakes. The badociation failed to Özil and Gündogan "to reinstate the family of German footballers," Green Party director Robert Habeck told MDR News. The DFB has also failed to stop the "partly open racism against these two players". If Grindel does not explain and apologize, "then he is the wrong president, then he must release the chair," said Habeck

Foreign Minister Heiko Maas (SPD) demanded a resolute intervention independently of the case Özil against racism and xenophobia. "Unfortunately, we still have a lot to do," he told the newspapers of Funke Mediengruppe. "The number of xenophobic crimes remains shamefully high."

(APA / AFP / Reuters / red.)

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