EU streaming "without borders" with restrictions –


Netflix, Amazon Prime and Sky: Streaming services for movies and series are enjoying great global popularity. European customers can use their subscriptions in streaming since April 1 in other EU countries – but with restrictions.

225 minutes a day, every Austrian looks on average. Clbadic television is losing more and more importance, especially for people under 30. According to a study by the telecommunications regulator RTR, they already consume more than half of their films and series via streaming services such as Netflix, Amazon Prime and the domestic platform Flimmit

Geolocation partially abolished

Customers can now use their subscriptions when they are traveling in the EU. The so-called geographic blocking, as the deliberate blockage of image content in some national boundaries is called, was something – but not completely – put into the barriers

That pleased many consumers, according to the estimates of the 39, Brussels authority. – At least 5.7% of consumers in the EU – the possibilities of cross-border access to streaming subscriptions.

After three months was completed

Among them is a lower Austrian, who by profession from September 2017 to August 2019 the fat He spent his time in the Netherlands and could not use his account Netflix. The initial joy, however, ended abruptly.

Although the account also worked in the Netherlands from 1 April, but after three months, suddenly worked only the Dutch Netflix program, said the Austrians inferior. Offers in German were no longer available, by default the films would be shown in English with Dutch subtitles

Complex copyright prevents the EU license

The customer contacted Netflix and asked his account to the Austrian program reset – without success. The domestic program can only be obtained in other EU countries for a "limited period", so Netflix support. For Lower Austria, an incomprehensible practice. After all, he did not want any additional benefit, according to the person concerned, but only what he was paying: namely his Austrian account. The Amazon Prime streaming service also works perfectly, only Netflix stands out.

The context of the different national offers of streaming providers is the complex situation of copyright in Europe. According to Karl Gladt, legal director of the Internet Ombudsman, an online business dispute settlement and advisory office, streaming services can only acquire a general license to offer film shoots across the EU. Therefore, different programs would be offered in different countries

Sticking point "temporary"

If the own screen stays black during a trip to another EU country, the payments of the services of Streaming must now work in other EU countries. According to the decree, users are "temporarily" detained there.

What period the term "temporary" means exactly is not exactly defined. "The regulation speaks of business trips or leisure but also learning mobility, so that an ERASMUS semester could also be included," Gladt said

How Netflix defined this period could not be found in A corresponding request remained unanswered. At Amazon, they told to have no time limit. Customers can use the unrestricted Prime offer in other EU countries as well as at home.

Internet Ombudsman helps problems

If the streaming client and provider disagree on the definition of "temporary", a complaint may be made to the mediator. The legal director Gladt advises, however, to come to a solution after all.

"It's a question of whether a two-year stay is still a temporary stay," Gladt said. "It may already be a transfer of residence, but basically Netflix should not be interested in one or the other." In Gladts' view, Netflix should not have a problem with to provide Austrian content to Austrian users

However, it is still not possible to conclude a streaming subscription abroad Consumers and consumer advocates also wanted an opening here because Netflix's offer in the UK, for example, is often more up-to-date or wider than in Austria.However, the various national copyright provisions continue to be in force. prevent.


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