Europa League: fast fight points against Villarreal


The Spaniards took the lead in Group G with six points, while Rapid returned to fourth and last place. However, thanks to Spartak Moscow's 4: 3 victory at home against the Rangers Rangers, the four teams are within two points. With the last games at Spartak and at home against the Rangers, the Green-Whites have the ascension in their hands.

In the sold-out Weststadion, Rapid supporters were hoping for a memorable evening in the European Cup. They swore in advance of a historic victory against Real Madrid in November 1968. The evening was just as glorious. The Rapidler has not appeared in the future. markedly improved at 0: 5 at Villarreal.

Several versions of Rapid Startelf

Before the start of the match, the official arches of UEFA were a source of astonishment. Rapid's squad included forward Andrija Pavlovic as left-back, defender Marvin Potzmann as right winger and winger Andrei Ivan in solo lead. A fact sheet widely distributed by Rapid-Social-Media had already been broadcast twice – once as a left-back and attacker.

A gap, which was immediately recognized and corrected. As expected, Potzmann arranged on the left-back. Pavlovic took over the role of attacker. Behind him, have selected a series of three of Ivan, Thomas Murg and Veton Berisha. The game should take place under the "Sechser" 4-2-3-1 system and captain Stefan Schwab. Compared to 2: 2, Altach replaced Christopher Dibon Mateo Barac in the center defense, while Mert Müldür defended.

Spanish Elf in Vienna Hütteldorf

The "submarines" arrived with a round neck team. Of the eleven players who played Levante in the Primera Division 1-1, only two were in the starting lineup. However, Santi Cazorla (33) and Daniele Bonera (37) were two veterans at the end of the fall of their Weststadion career. The joy of playing at the current table-16. In the Primera Division, this did not matter. The Spaniards went through Alfonso Pedraza tied with the first dangerous action. The winger played at a sharp angle, but Rapid goalkeeper Richard Strebinger was on hand (4th).

Daniele Bonera (Villarreal) and Andrija Pavlovic (Rapid)

APA / Georg Hochmuth

With 37 years still in the deployment of the European Cup: the defender of Villarreal, Daniele Bonera (left), shot the defensive line to the Spaniards

Also in his own penalty area, the Spanish B-Elf was fast. The reserve goalkeeper, Andres Fernandez, for example, was aware of a long balloon – and hung the game device in front of Ivan who was approaching the outside . The fact that White Whites acted not only with high balls, proved in the eighth minute: Potzmann combined his goal against Vienna by Schwab and Müldür in front, the sharp center was Pavlovic but could not use (8) .

Zero holds – thanks to Strebinger

A little later, it became clear that precise and fast actions could cause problems for Villarreal's old villains. Ivan left Mario Gaspar and Daniele Bonera with a full sprint hook and shot to the right of the penalty area, but Fernandez was also about to hit the goal (11). As the match came back to the fast half, Strebinger was showing his clbad again and was on the ground against Santiago Caceres to start his shot and defend himself from the corner. Once again, the 25-year-old was on the spot against Nicola Sansone, who had been given too much space halfway to the left.

The few relieving Rapidler attacks in this phase of the game were too imprecise to provide Torgefahr. In addition, Murg had to be treated on the outline, which had collapsed after Caseres' fault. However, the dangerous actions still came from Villarreal – among others, Daniel Raba bit his teeth at Strebinger.

Ivan falls, the whistle stops

One of the few home-side rescue attacks ended in the penalty area. Ivan felt in his head the breath – and probably the arm – of his opponent and walked to the ground. The referee Srdjan Jovanovic waved his hand but with shrill whistles – no penalty.

A little later, Berisha, a sprinter for the most part, beat half the field and started at full speed. Even though the pressed finish was lively but irrelevant, Fernandez did not have a hard time getting the ball out. But with the success of the offensive action, the trust of the hosts came back.

Spanish cautious and playful

The dangerous incursions of the Rapidler, the closer the break was getting closer, for the Spaniards more and more cautious. With the exception of a long-range shot by Miguel Layun, the "submarines" decided to postpone the match as much as possible and keep the ball in their own ranks.

However, Villarreal sometimes exaggerated the plan – after a defeated ball by Potzmann led Murg – intermittently – and was held back by Caseres. The counter-attack still played after a frustrated center of Berisha while the other goal was a corner, could not take the Rapidler for the moment.

Two exciters after reboot

At the break, the Rapidler turned around. Murg, beaten, stayed in the cabin. Christoph Knasmüllner joined him. Immediately after the restart, the local team started: Pavlovic turned a captivating low center with a break in the game and missed the just conceivable goal. Another chance of more of the striker after a Schwab pbad brought the public's atmosphere awake to the operating temperature. The Spaniards defending themselves in front of the "Block West" were quite prone to deafening background noise.

Alvaro (Villarreal) and Andrija Pavlovic (Rapid)

GEPA / Christian Location

Andrija Pavlovic had a good chance for the winner

After a recovery of the balloon on its own penalty area, the plane was fast again. This time, Berisha could volley, but not on goal (67). On the other hand, the brave way of playing brought one or the other of the chances to the guests – the best had been replaced by the substitute Karl Toko Ekambi. His ten-meter shot has crossed the crossbar.

Last minute offensive at quarter-hour

A double pbad between Müldür and Ivan brought another chance to Rapid. The young Turkish player qualified at Fünfereck, but his shot was too out of place. In the "Rapid Quarter Hour", traditionally proclaimed at the time, the local team was forced to place the Diver Christopher Dibon inside with calf problems, Boli Bolingoli Mbombo came on search and took the left outside, while Müldür was placed in central defense position.

The game has changed little – the Rapidlers have sought their salvation at the offensive. Knasmüllner played centrally, but Villarreal goalkeeper Fernandez made no mistake and fought with his fists.

Moment of shock before the final whistle

Ekambi, who dribbled into the penalty area, but found his master on a short distance and at a sharp angle to Strebinger, turned out to be a threat to the Rapid defense. Santi Cazorla's shot was wide for Rapid's fans in the 91st minute. The veteran's shot pbaded but pbaded the left pole into the door.

In the last minute of the injury, the Rapidler nearly recovered the draw: Ekambi was again unstoppable in the penalty area, the point – blank shot seemed to be wrong in the net while Müldür was still in the penalty box. attack and Potzmann higher urgency before the line saved.

Seconds later, the match was over – and he was staying a little happy but hard-won for the hosts. The tie also allows the Green-Whites to start well in their last two games against Moscow Spartak and at home against the Glasgow Rangers: the Rapidler can qualify for the elimination phase alone.

Europa League, Group G, fourth day


Rapid – Villarreal 0: 0

Vienna, Weststadion, 22,100 spectators, SR Jovanovic (SRB)

quick: Strebinger – Potzmann, Dibon (75./Bolingoli), Sonnleitner, Müldür – Ljubicic, Schwab – Berisha, Murg (46./Knasmullner), Ivan – Pavlovic (91./Martic)

Villarreal:Fernandez – Gaspar, Bonera (46th / Mori Funes), Ruiz – Layun (62nd / Ecambi), Raba (75th / Fornals), Caseres, Cazorla, Pedraza – Moreno, Sansone

Yellow cards: Schwab, Berisha, Sonnleitner or Caseres, Layun, Pedraza, Fornals

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