EVE Online celebrates the day of the liberation of Minmatar with the event at stake Dawn of Liberation »YouGame


EVE Online celebrates the day of the liberation of the Minmatar with the event Dawn of Liberation Ingame

10.07.2018 16:31 – Andy

From July 10 to 24, the players of EVE Online can vote at the Dawn of the Event Liberation to support the struggle of the Minmatar people for the freedom of its oppressors. There are a number of tasks to be done here, from the fight against slave ships to hunting bonuses to rescuing slaves from enemy ships or prisons. Players establish a course and accumulate agency points to complete tasks to unlock additional rewards. Players can access Dawn of Liberation missions via the agency's Neocom menu.

They can also claim bonuses and rewards, such as brain accelerators, fireworks and exclusive skins and limited in time. Minmatar's Liberation Day celebrations fuel calls at the end of slavery, prompting cappers to hunt down slave traders and help free slaves.

"The Republic has been working to open up opportunities for farmers and traffickers to help liberate slaves without unduly burdening them as liberators," said Paul Elsy, the community's chief of staff. EVE Online. "There were considerations to provide help in the transportation of rescued slaves and start helping them reintegrate into society.Without much incentive, many cappers and resellers did not yet want to participate. it is here that the planned rewards come into play. "

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