Facebook, Google, Microsoft and Twitter make user data transferable


The data transfer project aims to enable users to exchange their data between online services. The four initiators of the project promise users greater control over their data. Newly developed tools are designed to turn proprietary API data into standardized data formats.

Facebook Google Microsoft and Twitter launched an initiative to allow users to transfer their data from one online service to another. The data transfer project also aims to give users more control over their data.

  Network (Image: Shuterstock / Jazzmany). According to the project website, an open source platform is under development. Transfer data from one online service to another. The data transfer project leverages existing programming interfaces and authentication methods to access data and convert it to a format that can be read by the new platform.

"The organizations involved in this project develop tools that integrate the proprietary APIs of all services. can convert from standardized data formats that anyone can use, "writes Google in a blog post." This allows data to be transferred between two providers, using existing infrastructure and authorization mechanisms, such as OAuth. Until now, we have developed adapters for seven different service providers and five different types of consumer data; we believe this demonstrates the feasibility of this approach for a large number of use cases. "

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The project will be open not only to established services but also to new online offers. This should offer users the advantage of being able to use a "powerful and cloud-based infrastructure" for data transmission and moving their date is not limited by a possibly limited bandwidth of their own Internet connection. The project is also designed to boost competition among online services as it overcomes the obstacle of data migration

The open source should ensure data protection

Google also pointed out that data protection against abuse is guaranteed. "Because it's an open source product, anyone can check the code to make sure the data is not collected or used to create profiles," Google adds.

Currently, the technology is still in place at an early stage of development. An exchange is probably already possible with the help of a locally installed Docker image. Data delivery services also require API keys for testing.

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