Facebook: Messenger messages can be deleted for another 10 minutes – Internet


Finally! After WhatsApp, the Facebook messenger will soon offer an option for deleting messages that should not have come out like this.

WhatsApp has been part of Facebook since 2014 and yet, there are considerable differences in services: unlike WhatsApp, where the user can use the "delete for all" feature for just over an hour, Facebook Messenger only slows down for ten minutes. offer this feature when sending the message.

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Photo: Facebook

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Facebook announces the update of its mail version 191.0Photo: Facebook

"If you have not mistakenly sent the correct photo, the wrong information or the wrong message, you can easily solve the problem by deleting the message within ten minutes of sending it," writes Facebook in the iOS update of the messenger. Important: Although this is announced in version 191.0, it is preceded by: "in planning". That is to say that it is still difficult to know when the feature will be available.

Until now, Facebook Messenger users have been able to delete messages, but only for themselves, which means that the recipient always sees them!

Mark Zuckerberg (34), the boss of Facebook, had preceded the following announcement: he and other top executives of Facebook were previously the only ones able to remove their messages from foreign mailboxes. This was justified so far by the security of the company.

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