Facebook Messenger will allow you to delete messages soon


In Facebook Messenger, discussions can be deleted soon after for everyone.

In Facebook Messenger, discussions can be deleted soon after for everyone.
(© Facebook 2018)

Similar to the big competitor WhatsApp, messages can still be deleted later in Facebook Messenger Messenger even after sending. The corresponding update is expected to be published shortly.

The corresponding note on the imminent introduction of a delete feature can be found in the release notes of the latest version 191.0 of Facebook Messenger for iOS. There, behind the keyword "In Planning", it is possible to quickly delete messages from a thread after sending them.

The deployment of the update is still open

"If you did not send the wrong photo, incorrect information or a wrong message by mistake, you can easily solve the problem by deleting the message within 10 minutes of submitting it," explain the release notes. . When the update should come with the delete function, is not yet known. Even the user guide to delete is always open.

Other messengers have been deleted longer

Until now, you could already delete messages in Facebook Messenger, but these were then only deleted from their own chat history: the recipient that they had meanwhile received and should eventually be removed manually. Other messengers like WhatsApp already have such a longer delete function. There, however, the periods are sometimes much longer.

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