Facebook: reminder messages in Messenger


of Antonio Funes
If you are writing something on Facebook Messenger that you prefer not to write retrospectively or if you mistakenly choose a wrong recipient for a message, you must live with this message until now. Soon, however, it will be possible in the first 10 minutes after sending a Facebook Messenger message to cancel the action.

With WhatsApp, messages already sent can be deleted later. On Facebook, you can delete messages. In the Facebook Messenger, but up to now still applies similar to the good old letter: Once sent, you can no longer prevent delivery. But that will change soon, as the online magazine The Verge reports. Because users can stop mail messages up to 10 minutes after they are sent, unless the recipient has already read them.

So you do not have a lot of time – but, for example, writing angry something that he regrets shortly after sending, still has the option to cancel the writing before the recipient reads it . Similarly, messages can be canceled quickly and eventually sent to the wrong person. A feature had already been noticed in April, when Facebook's boss news, Mark Zuckerberg, had been retroactively canceled – this indicated that Facebook Messenger's special beta or "VIP" removal feature was already present, functionality will soon be introduced for normal mortals. In October, such a feature had already been tested.

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